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Jaap you need even more money (diary, November 10), 1805-1808. Creator: Christiaan Andriessen.
Mr Hagbolt with us in college [?] (Diary, August 18), 1805-1808. Creator: Christiaan Andriessen.
Bartje the Ventriloquist (Diary, January 22), 1805-1808. Creator: Christiaan Andriessen.
Compliment from Katrijn (Diary, December 10), 1805-1808. Creator: Christiaan Andriessen.
Family sitting on the water, 1828. Creator: Christiaan Julius Lodewijk Portman.
The House Ampsen, near Lochem, 1825-1879. Creator: Christianus Hendricus Hein.
The house Nettelhorst, near Lochem, 1825-1879. Creator: Christianus Hendricus Hein.
The house De Wildenborch, near Lochem, 1825-1879. Creator: Christianus Hendricus Hein.
Woman with child with two men, 1758-1808. Creator: Christina Chalon.
The sunny corner': young woman in a room in Hindeloopen, 1838-1904. Creator: Christoffel Bisschop.
The Heukelomse Poort in Asperen, 1728. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
The village of Hoogmade, 1730-1740. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
Figures in seventeenth-century clothing, c. 1846-c. 1882. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
Woman and man with child, c. 1846-c. 1882. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
Woman behind two boys, c. 1846-c. 1882. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
Roelof Bicker and a boy in seventeenth-century clothing, c. 1846-c. 1882. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
Man dining with a glass of wine and a joint of meat, 1706-1750. Creator: Cornelis Troost.
Ice entertainment in the village of Kortenhoef, 1776. Creator: Cornelis van Noorde.
Frozen city canal with skaters, 1769. Creator: Cornelis van Noorde.
Ixia, 1741-1795. Creator: Cornelis van Noorde.
View of Renkum, 1825. Creator: D.A. Clemens.
Walkers on a terrace of the Villa Conti in Frascati, 1791. Creator: Daniel Dupré.
Sitting old lady, 1852. Creator: David Joseph Bles.
The assassination of William of Orange, 1780-1849. Creator: David Pierre Giottino Humbert de Superville.
Mother and daughter at a child's sickbed, 1862. Creator: Diederik Franciscus Jamin.
Winter view in Exloo, Drenthe, 1755-1818. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Figures at the hut in the Naarder Keep, 1755-1818. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Design for a ceiling painting with Honour (?) crowned by Time, 1677-1755. Creator: Elias van Nijmegen.
Self -portrait of Ernst Willem Jan Bagelaar, 1793. Creator: Ernst Willem Jan Bagelaar.
Interior of the sugar factory of the Vom Rath company, 1885. Creator: Ernst Witkamp.
Sandy road through wooded landscape, 1864-1897. Creator: Ernst Witkamp.
Carriage with two horses, 1810-1890. Creator: Eugene Louis Lami.
View of the IJ in Amsterdam, 1827-1892. Creator: Everhardus Koster.
Self-portrait of Fanny Geefs-Corr, 1841. Creator: Fanny Geefs.
Farmers' tavern in Overveen, 1774-1808. Creator: Franciscus Andreas Milatz.
Winter landscape with farm at the Voorbroek in Terborg, 1788-1835. Creator: François Joseph Pfeiffer.
Decapitation of a saint (St Catherine?), 1600-1650. Creator: François Perrier.
Rowing boat at sea, 1834-1872. Creator: Frans Arnold Breuhaus de Groot.
View of the Lagoon in Venice, 1831-1914. Creator: Franz Alt.
Interior of the Dom in Verona, 1831-1914. Creator: Franz Alt.
View at Lienz, 1875. Creator: Franz Alt.
Black scoter, 1885-1931. Creator: Frederika Henriëtte Broeksmit.
Swamp landscape with sunset, 1863-1903. Creator: George Poggenbeek.
Pasture with cow by a stream, 1863-1895. Creator: George Poggenbeek.
Church interior with man giving alms to a beggar, 1817-1879. Creator: George Gillis Haanen.
View of the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam near the Gerzon department store, c. 1892-1923. Creator: George Hendrik Breitner.
Construction site Sint Agnietenstraat in Amsterdam, 1903. Creator: George Hendrik Breitner.
Group of people on a boat, 1867-1923. Creator: George Hendrik Breitner.
Resting cavalry on a square, 1880-1919. Creator: George Hendrik Breitner.
Tram horses on Dam Square in Amsterdam, 1893. Creator: George Hendrik Breitner.
Market with flower stalls in Rotterdam, 1874-1925. Creators: George Hendrik Breitner, Floris Arntzenius.
Top and bottom view of a butterfly, 1792-1861. Creator: Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os.
Lime kilns at Hillegom, 1765. Creator: Gerard van Rossum.
Pear, 1836-1895. Creator: Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande Bakhuyzen.
Weavers making rush chair-seats, 1811. Creator: Gerardus Laurentius Keultjes.
Fishing boat at Katwijk, 1885-1927. Creator: Gerhard Munthe.
Grave of Johannes Jelgerhuis Rienksz., 1841. Creator: Gerrit Lamberts.
Standing woman, seen from behind, 1633-1687. Creator: Gillis Neyts.
Inn, 1807. Creator: Haatje Peters Oosterhuts.
Vondel in his last years of life, 1869. Creator: Hendrik Albert van Trigt.